Introduction & Statistics

Hello and welcome to Creative Burst, the fanlisting collective of Penny. Here you can find all my owned, upcoming, and joined fanlistings.

"A fanlisting is simply an online listing of fans of a subject, such as a TV show, actor, or musician, that is created by an individual and open for fans from around the world to join."
The Fanlistings Network

Owned Fanlistings

I own 20 fanlistings with 0 upcoming and 0 pending. The newest fanlisting is Amiable Charm: the Chris Pratt fanlisting! The total number of members in this collective is 551 with 0 pending. The collective member growth rate is 1.39 members per day.

Joined Fanlistings

I have joined 56 fanlistings with 0 currently pending membership. The newest fanlisting joined is for Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory (1971)!


This collective has 0 affiliates.

Collective Updates

Adopted and Moved

Feb 25, 2024 under Death Cab For Cutie

The Death Cab For Cutie fanlisting has been adopted from Jess (and previously owned by Ally). It has now moved to CreativeBurst! Thank you, Jess!